Cuteki tarjetas

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Keep Safety Belt (Eng sub)

Always worry when driving with the baby? > .. <

a product that is simple and with this product you can concentrate while driving without a sense of anxiety if the baby is sleepy. 

And make it easier for you, especially women who drive alone on the road.

And make it easier for you, especially women wha own the road.

Another advantage of this product are: 

- Keeping the baby remains in an upright seated position

- Keeping the child stay comfortably seated position

- Built for baby and still be able to move freely.

how to use:

- Sit haati fruit in front or behind you then you put the baby seat is java.

-Lock on the driver in order to balance wakefulness and to tighten the chest and abdomen your baby.


Give your baby the safety and comfort while driving.
Thank you very much



only the terms of intensive English class assignment M :)

Manfaat Kelas Manajement

Manfaat yang saya peroleh dari kelas Manajement tidaklah dapat saya ungkapkhan dengan kata-kata indah ku karena sangatlah menyenangkan dan bermanfaat sekali mengikuti kelas Mamajement,, dan merasa sedilah bagi kawan-kawan q sekalian yang gak pernah masuk hiks .... T_T.
Belajar Manajement tentulah sangat penting,, apalagi jika kita mengerjakan tugas apa yang telah diperintahkan kepada kita oleh dosen Manajement tercinta (Airlangga Bramayudha).
Kadangkala pak Bram menunjukkan Vidio yang dapat memotifasi kita semua agar menjadi orang yang lebih baik lagi dari sebelumnya,, teruslah menjadi sosok panutan yang selalu membimbing kami pak Bram... Gamsahamnida :)

we LOVE you pak Bram :p